Site Updates Pt. III: Where To Find All The Info You Need

When designing Chroma Songs, I wanted customers to be able to get all the information they need quickly and easily. In my experience, a big part of a customer’s perception of a website is the ease with which they can locate, access, and navigate through the site’s information. The quality of that experience can have a significant impact on the company’s brand, which is why I’ve organized Chroma Songs to be simple, straightforward, and intuitive.


Where Can I Find Need-To-Know Info?

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My new FAQ page is full of useful information, policies, and tips, which will help answer many practical questions customers may have about the whole process. With so many design choices available to my customers, there are lots of questions and queries throughout the whole process. While I’m always happy to answer questions, the FAQ page is a great resource of commonly asked questions. This makes it an easy and undoubtedly faster way to find the answers you’re looking for. I cover a wide range of topics in my FAQ’s, from shipping to payment to general info and policies. I will continuously update and add to the FAQ page so that there is always a wealth of helpful information available to you.


Where Can I Find Prices and News/Updates?

One thing that needed its own page was pricing. This was due to the extent of detailed information required to explain the structure of these. No one enjoys looking through numbers, so I wanted to make it as simple, quick, and clear as possible by using charts.

Because there are a few different options for sizing and material, there are several charts to choose from. And for more frequently changing information, check out this blog! This is the perfect spot for constantly changing, new, and updated info, as opposed to the relatively permanent info in the FAQ and pricing pages.

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Where Can I Learn About The Main Thing You Do?

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One of the most important pages on the site is the Commissions page. It contains the site’s most vital information since it describes my favourite thing to do with my synesthesia: paint your favourite songs! This is a page you can refer to again and again - it goes step by step, describing how the process works and what to expect at each point. Especially if you’re new to Chroma Songs or the concept of synesthesia, this is where you will get an understanding of how the whole thing works. It explains how I take a song and create a painting from it and how we’ll go from listening to the music to seeing a painting.


What About Everything Else?

There is also always my bio, the shop, and the pages for my other painting categories. These pages all contain quick, easily accessible information. Read a short version of my story in my bio, definitions of my three art categories in the landing pages, and take a look through my paintings in the shop to see my finished work.

So that’s it! What do you think of the layout? What’s your favourite way to stay up to date on info from websites? Let’s chat in the comments! Feel free to share this post, and remember to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn!