Who I Am

I always loved experiencing sound and colour. I spent hours drawing and designing crafts as a child, as well as singing, songwriting, and playing piano and guitar, which became my career. In recent years the two began to blend, allowing me to explore my ability to interact with music in two different forms, aural and visual. This made me excited to share the experience with other people.

My passion for music was further enriched by a form of synesthesia called chromesthesia: the ability to see music in colour, texture, and shape. Chromesthesia is a neurological condition I was born with. I use it to create art that shows what I see in music. I love how the essence of the emotion remains recognizable and distinct in all its different manifestations.

Synesthesia: A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a colour.


What I Do

I listen to a song and paint what I see. My vision is to communicate the perceptual coalescence that I see. This is meant to intensify the experience of the emotion by doubling the faculties used to engage with it.

My aim is to share this fusion of sensory input to give people the opportunity to experience the music they already love in a new way. I want my work to bring people closer to what they love.