Where the streets have no name_01_V2_Email.jpg



Thank you for showing an interest in my artwork! I am so excited to create a unique, one-of-a-kind piece of art for you. Our favourite songs are very personal to us, and hold a special and intimate place in our hearts, so it’s an honour for me to be able to bring you closer to a song that you already love.

Learn more about how I see colour in music here

I do commissions for all sorts of occasions!










Whether you like the novelty, enjoy the visually pleasing colours and shapes, or discover a deeper level of engagement with the music because of this different medium, it brings me joy to be a part of this new experience with you.



The Process

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Step 1: Choose Your Song

The first step is for you to choose what song you’d like to see in colour. You can choose any piece of music you’d like from most genres, including classical music and instrumental music. I do reserve the right to refuse to paint a song for any reason or based on content that may be considered explicit, offensive, discriminatory, or hateful.

Once you’ve chosen your song, if you feel comfortable please share with me any personal meaning it may have for you, if there are any parts or features in it that you particularly like, or any other context you feel is significant. This information won’t influence the painting so much as just give me some understanding of what this song means to you, why you chose it, and the purpose it will serve in your life.

Step 2: Sketch & Plan

The next step is the listening and planning stage. This is where I will listen to the song and plan out the painting. Once I’ve listened to the song several times and drawn out a sketch or two in colour, I will take a photo of the sketches and send it to you with a brief explanation of what I see. If you have any questions at this point, we will discuss these before I start painting. The purpose of this stage is to share a preview so that you can see what it will look like and decide if you want to move forward.

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Please bear in mind three things:

  • Since my paintings are based on what I see in the sounds, I can’t make any major changes as that would change the song. I am open making minor changes only. However, if you don’t like the overall sketch then we should choose a different song.

  • The end result will not include every detail from the sketch since the finished painting is more of a summary or amalgamation; if I painted every detail I see in the song then I could take up a whole large canvas for just one verse of the song! The smaller the canvas we’ve chosen, the more this is true.

  • The sketches are not meant to be an exact, fixed, or final representation of the painting since what I see develops slightly the more I listen to the song. They are more of a starting point or first impression of the song, and a general overview of the themes, elements, shapes, and colours that I see.

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Step 3: Paint & Complete

At this point you’ve chosen your song and we have agreed on the sketch as the general outcome for the painting. Now I begin to paint! There is much less communication at this stage simply because we have already chatted about everything and settled on the sketch in the previous stage. But I will still send you one or two progression photos of the painting as I work on it, so that you can enjoy the process with me and see how the layers develop. The time it takes will vary based on the size of canvas and complexity of the song.

Once the painting is completed I will varnish it to protect it, and send you a final photo. Then it will be packaged up thoroughly and carefully, and shipped to you.



After we have agreed to move on to Step 2, I will ask for a percentage of the price of the painting before I begin the sketches. This ensures that your spot in line is held, and will allow me to purchase materials. Visit our pricing page to see the percentage of deposit required for each size of painting.


Fill out the form below to get started.