Site Updates Pt. I: 3 Reasons Why Our New Site Makes Ordering Paintings Easy

I’m so excited to announce that my new website is finally live and receiving orders!

I’ve been developing the changes for a while now, and am thrilled to be able to finally share it with you all. The site has been updated, redesigned, and improved in so many ways. Today I’d like to focus on three of the biggest changes, and how they’ve made it easier to order Chroma Songs artwork through the site. There are three main things that have improved the customer journey: the pricing page, three forms of communication, and the commissions process page.

Transparent pricing for a wide range of products - an easier way to see your music.

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Chroma Songs was built on the idea of giving people a way to experience their favourite music in a new way (visually, as well as aurally). To make that process simple and straightforward, I’ve created a pricing page for my full product range and added new purchase options to help more people see their favourite music.

At a glance, you have a quick, comprehensive overview of prices for all the product options available through Chroma Songs: commission pieces, digital poster prints, and more. For commissions, you can choose from three sizes (large, medium, or small), two shapes (square or rectangular), and two different bases for the painting (canvas or gessoed hardboard). I’ll write more posts explaining more about these two options later! In addition to commissions (and thanks to our friends at Colourgenics Toronto) digital prints are now available! So don’t worry if an original has already sold, you’ll always be able to purchase a high-quality canvas or poster print right from the Chroma Songs shop.

Questions? Introducing live chat and the updated commissions form.

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With all of the available options, I felt that site visitors would need a quick and easy way to ask me important questions. To do this, I’ve added three new ways for us to have a conversation: the commission form, the live chat (thank you Drift App!), and the contact page. The commission form and live chat are brand new features, and the contact page has been updated and simplified.

If you’re interested in getting your own custom painting, the commission page is the way to go - check out how I fulfill commissions, then fill out the form at the bottom of the page with as much detail as you can. I’ll get back to you within 2 business days so we can get started on your project. The new form makes it easy to request exactly what you want, and  your added detail will give me a clear idea of what you’re looking for. And don’t worry, the commission form just opens the conversation. From there, you can ask me any and all questions you may have. I’ll do the same so we can find the product fit that’s best for you. That being said, if you just need a quick answer to help steer you through the site then message me on the live chat! I’ll receive a notification from your message on my phone as soon as it is sent, but because I work (a lot), please give me a few minutes to get back to you. Finally, if you aren’t in a hurry and have a general question about the site or what I do, please use the contact form (it’s much shorter, and I’ll get back to you within 2 business days).

A step-by-step guide on how I do commissions.

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The point of making communication with me as easy as possible is to help you decide on the right piece of art. To that end, I’ve created a full commissions page outlining the process for fulfilling custom commissions. It starts with how we’ll work together to bring your song to life, and progresses through conceptualization, creation and finally order fulfillment (packaging will be a whole post unto itself!). The page was made to help you know what to expect throughout the process, what I’ll need from you to make it happen, and what is included in your purchase.

I hope you enjoy the process as much as I do - I love hearing about why you love the music you do, what the song means to you, why you’re interested to see it in colour, and anything about the song that means something to you. Music is my great love and I consider it a pleasure and privilege for me to be invited into your most beloved music.

I want to hear from you!

What do you think of the commissions process? What’s your favourite mode of communication? Do you have a specific size, shape, or material that you’re looking forward to seeing paintings in from the options above? Let me know on social! As well, please feel free to share this post if you found it helpful, and remember to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for more updates!